
Making a (Bad) Video Game

I spent the past week making a video game, that is well, quite bad. But, maybe that's a good thing.

gamedev programming

Designing a Modular Chess Clock

I designed something that (hopefully) can improve on the classic chess clock design


Beautiful Bézier Curves

Bézier Curves are important for many applications, but what even are they, and how do they work?

Updating My Website

I do a lot of things on this website, but it doesn't have all the features I want yet. In this blog post, I'll try to add a couple.

meta programming

My Chess Experience

I've dedicated, probably too much of my free time to chess as of late. Because of this, I thought I'd at least write about the experience.

Building my CRKBD

The CRKBD is a very interesting split keyboard. Here's how I built one for myself


Four Fabulous Features From Godot Four

With the recent release of Godot 4.0, I thought I'd share some of the new features that I'm excited about.


The Making of: Lost in the Labyrinth

I actually completed a video game, for the first time in a while. Read about how I took it from an idea to a finished product.

gamedev programming

A new system for representation?

No democracy has ever truly given everybody an equal voice. Liquid democracy is a new concept that although can't entirely fix this, it could certainly go a long way in helping to solve the issue.

Making a Weird Viola Keyboard

I always wondered why there were piano simulators for keyboards but not viola simulators... I guess I sort of know why now...


Using Golang for the first time

I made a non-static website for the first time, and I decided to use Golang for the backend.


Introducing Spiider

Introducing spiider, the static site generator being used to build this very page.

meta programming

The Wonderful World of Conlangs

What even is a constructed language?

Building an Asahi Linux Desktop

Read about my adventures in configuring BSPWM on Asahi Linux

The Perfect City?

Read about my ideas for a "perfect" city

I made a website!

Read about how I built this website and the things on it

